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Reckless Driver Crashes Into Innocent Man's House While Doing Donuts | Cops | Real Responders
An officer witnesses a man driving reckless doing car tricks and chases after him. Shortly after, the reckless driver crashes through someone's house. The owner comes out and shouts at the reckless suspect who has severely damaged the victim's property. Elsewhere, police engage in a high speed chase with a 17 year old on a dirt bike.
Real-life officers are followed by a camera crew, cinéma-vérité style, in a gritty up-close look at police work and the consequences of crime. It spawned a number of police-reality imitators.
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealResponders
For all questions, please contact owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com
#cops #recklessdriving #carcrashes
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