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Ham Radio School Outreach: How to Talk About Amateur Radio with Schools
One of the best ways to engage more youth in amateur radio is through teachers and schools. Often, the issue is getting school administration to see the value in including amateur radio instruction. In this video, Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, steps you through the process and materials available to help bring ham radio to local schools.
Steve taught school for 21 years and has had several students earn their amateur radio licenses. ARRL has completely redesigned the material and the curriculum of the ARRL Teachers Institute to reflect what has been successful in getting youth engaged and schools on board.
Brochure request form: http://www.arrl.org/school-con....tact-brochure-order-
Join us in the mission to get more youth licensed and engaged: http://arrl.org/membership
Want to help support ARRL Teachers Institute and getting equipment in schools?
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